GB to EU Pet Travel Form | Park Vets

GB to EU Pet Travel Form

We will need you to bring proof of rabies vaccination and proof of the pet identification to your appointment. If you have a Pet passport that was issued before 31.12.2020 this will suffice. If not, then please bring your vaccination card that shows the current rabies vaccination, and a document confirming that your pet has been microchipped.

If you have any problems obtaining these documents, please contact:

Pet Travel scheme helpline:

Telephone: 0370 241 1710

Mon – Fri 8.30 a.m. – 5 pm (exc. Bank holidays)

NB: before returning to Great Britain dogs must be treated for tapeworm not less than 24 hours, not more than 120 hours before time of entry except for return from Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Malta or Finland. You must take your AHC with you for this treatment to a vet in the EU country you are in, there is a section of the form to be completed by the EU vet.

If you are leaving Great Britain on a short trip returning within 120 hours, you need to arrange for this treatment before leaving.

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